We at Calmtheskies would like to give a shout out to the younger generation. Their voice is not often heard in the discussion of airplane noise, but they are impacted and they notice. Representatives of Calmtheskies have talked with schools and teachers in the past. Here is a link to our report >>
Carlmont High School is located in Belmont. Andrew Shao wrote an article in the October 25, 2018 paper about the noise from Surf Air. He states “The company is notorious for its heavy contributions to the airport’s noise pollution.” He quotes another student “I hate how I’m just sitting in my room and I just hear sounds, like there are barrels rolling around, it is really bothersome.”
Here is a link to Andrew Shao’s article:
We thank him for reminding the grown-ups that this noise pollution is more than an inconvenience to be tolerated.
For a lengthy study of the adverse effects of airplane noise on children, see articles on Calmtheskies.org at https://calmtheskies.org/about-2/noise-safety/:
Huge “NORAH” study in Germany finds significant delay in children’s reading due to impact of aircraft noise” and
“Exposure-Effect Relations between Aircraft and Road Traffic Noise Exposure at School and Reading Comprehension” and
“The Effect of Transportation Noise on Health and Cognitive Development:A Review of Recent Evidence”